Security Ratings Explained
Security Ratings

Hafren Security Ratings

Security Level 1

Entry Level
Fasteners offer protection from vandalism and opportunistic crime. Drivers can be purchased by the general public.

Security Level 2

Enhanced Security
Fasteners are less Common and less Recognizable. Driver Tooling is non-standard and Harder for the general public to buy.

Security Level 3

Medium Security
Rarer (less well-known) products. Supply of driver tooling is controlled, less readily available to buy, enhancing the security of the assembly.

Security Level 4

High Security
Either 1-way permanent fixing, or rare Hafren patented high security products requiring specialist tooling to remove (only available from Hafren approved distributors).

Security Level 5

Maximum Security
Highest security available. Products are either 1-way permanent fixings, or require bespoke exclusive, custom made driver tools to remove.

Securing the great outdoors

Securing the great outdoors

Protecting our parks, playgrounds & places of interest


1. Street Furniture
2. Street Lighting
3. Signage
4. Playground Equipment
5. Gate & Fence
6. Benches & Seating
?& Many More Applications...

As the UK lockdown rules begin to ease with parks and the outdoors being opened up once again. We see a resurgence of people enjoying the great outdoors this summer. Demonstrating just how important our parks & public spaces are to us.

In preparation for further easing of lockdown rules, local authorities & estate managers are taking the opportunity to perform some essential maintenance and repairs on street furniture & playground equipment. Making this the ideal time to consider anti-vandal security fasteners...

At Hafren we offer a wide range of security fasteners for external applications. With a large range of fasteners stocked in A2 stainless steel & ranges like the 5-Lobe Pin security screw stocked in A4-70 stainless steel, giving them excellent corrosion resistance (making them ideal for external applications).

Securing the great outdoors (Part-2)

In addition to our wide range of security bolts & screws we also offer a large range of tamper resistant nuts & security enclosures.

Securing the great outdoors (Part-3)

Do you have customers looking for security fasteners? Ask our expert sales team for help and advice in specifying the best solution for the application. Call 01686 621 300.

As plans come together to welcome people back to our public spaces, don’t forget our sanitiser stations. Created to help bring us together again, safely!


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